Saturday 1 October 2011

MKTG 2003 - Marketing For Financial Services - Blog Post 7

This blog post is about our progress on the Marketing Group Assignment. Our group has chosen to do a marketing analysis of the company and environment of Morgan Stanley with particular consideration given to the Wealth/Investment Management Department. We have decided to use the 5Cs to do the above as well as use a Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats analysis to get a better idea about the organization. So far the assignment is on schedule as work has been assigned to different members of our group with each member dealing with a particular marketing aspect of Morgan Stanley. In addition to the above mentioned concepts we plan on using the Buyer Decision Process model as well as the Brand Dynamics model on the financial services offered by them. Finally we also plan on using the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning model to see how Morgan Stanley targets and should target their clients/potential clients in future. Our team is planning to meet next friday to discuss our contributions as well as further aspects we need to consider. However so far I am pleased with the interest and dedication showed by the other members in my group and hope they will continue to show the same  level of enthusiasm throughout the assignment.

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